
Το ΝΑΡ για την Κομμουνιστική Απελευθέρωση και η νεολαία Κομμουνιστική απελευθέρωση βρίσκονται σε επικοινωνία με οργανώσεις και κόμματα στο εξωτερικό, συζητώντας για το έγκλημα κατά των προσφύγων στα ανοιχτά της Πύλου και την ανάληψη διεθνιστικών πρωτοβουλιών ενάντια στην Ευρώπη-Φρούριο, τον εθνικισμό, τον πόλεμο, τον ρατσισμό. Κοινή βάση που καταγράφεται στις κοινές διακηρύξεις είναι η καταδίκη των πολέμων και των ιμπεριαλιστικών επεμβάσεων που αναγκάζουν εκατομμύρια να καταφύγουν στην προσφυγιά. Αναδεικνύεται επίσης ο ρόλος και οι ευθύνες των κρατών και των κυβερνήσεων τους, ειδικά στο πλαίσιο της πολιτικής της Ευρώπης-Φρούριο.
Στο παρακάτω κείμενο τονίζεται η κοινή εμπειρία των βαλκανικών λαών που γνωρίζουν από πολέμους και προσφυγιά στην πρόσφατη ιστορία τους, αλλά και ο ρόλος του εθνικισμού στο εσωτερικό κάθε χώρας, ο οποίος θρέφει τον ρατσισμό για τους πρόσφυγες και τους γείτονες λαούς. Ως κοινή διεθνιστική απάντηση προβάλει την προοπτική των σοσιαλιστικών Βαλκανίων με ειρήνη και αλληλεγγύη.
Joint Declaration of Balkan anticapitalist organizations on the mass murder of refugees.
NAR for the Communist Liberation // Communist Liberation youth // Greece
Red Initiative – Red Action // Crvena akcija – Crvena inicijativa // Serbia – Croatia
Socialist Dawn // Социјалистичка зора – Agimi socialist // North Macedonia
Against racism and nationalism!
For a community of Balkan peoples in a solidary and socialist alliance!
We are shocked but also outraged by the new crime of the European Union, Frontex and the Greek authorities against refugees and immigrants from Africa and Asia. One of the deadliest shipwrecks in the Mediterranean shows the whole world that the policy that begins with imperialist interventions, the exploitation of the peoples of Africa and Asia by the European and U.S capital and the powerful states of the world ends with the murders and drowning of the poor and desperate people at European land and sea borders. It is a murderous and exploitative policy that dates back many centuries ago but is being carried out nowadays by the modern capitalist states which pretend to be the guardians of humanism and democracy. The dominance of the powerful states of Europe and the rest of the world is based on the appropriation of the resources of the poor states of Africa and Asia. For oil, diamonds, precious metals and rare earths there are no borders. Borders do exist exclusively for the poor, the victims of capitalist exploitation and wars. The anti-immigration policy of the European Union, the bilateral agreements of the E.U. with Turkey, Libya, Morocco which create prison camps for refugees, the policy of push-backs and building fences, in short the policy of “Fortress Europe” is responsible for thousands of drownings, deaths, rapes and tortures every year. This is a murderous policy. The workers, the young people, the great social majority of the European peoples must fight against murderous capitalism, the criminal and racist European Union and the respective governments of the member states and of those states that cooperate in the implementation of these policies.
Let’s fight for an end to capitalist wars and interventions by the powerful states. Let us fight for the common interests of the working class and the oppressed. Joint struggles of locals – refugees/immigrants! Solidarity is our weapon! We stand in solidarity with refugees and immigrants. We demand open borders and free movement for refugees and the poor, for the working class. Down with the Common European Asylum Policy. We demand asylum and papers for all refugees! A few weeks have passed since the murder by the Macedonian Police of the 23-year-old African girl Fatmata, at Gevgelija border crossing, while the deaths and torture of refugees on the “Balkan corridor” in Serbia and Croatia are a common practice. The institutional racism of the governments feeds the hatred of fascists and nationalists. It creates a civil war among the poor. They only talk about “our workers”, in order to wage more effectively the war against all workers. They talk of “Our nation”, preparing the slaughter of all peoples.
Let’s fight for a community of Balkan peoples in a solidary and socialist alliance, together with our refugee brothers and sisters. The people of the Balkans, just like the refugees, have experienced all the catastrophes that capitalism brings to humanity. They are victims of wars and interventions organized by the imperialist powers in order to impose their dominance. It is not the refugees who brought mass unemployment and poverty to the Balkan people. It is the oligarchs and their political servants. The refugees and the Balkan people are both victims of the dominant capitalist system that organizes the class war of the rich against the poor.
Με αγωνιστές από τις οργανώσεις POI (Γαλλία) και POSI (Ισπανία) είχαμε πέρσι διαδηλώσει μαζί στη Μαδρίτη ενάντια στη σύνοδο του ΝΑΤΟ και είχαμε υπογράψει κοινή διακήρυξη τότε για την σφαγή των προσφύγων στον φράχτη της Μελίγια. Ένα χρόνο μετά συνυπογράφουμε κείμενο που τονίζει ότι πρέπει να μπει τέλος στις πολιτικές που έχουν μετατρέψει τη Μεσόγειο σε θάλασσα θανάτου. Ως άμεση διεκδίκηση προβάλλεται η απαίτηση να γκρεμιστούν οι φράχτες στον Έβρο, τη Μελίγια, την Θεούτα.
Joint Declaration on the mass murder of refugees in the Mediterranean Sea
NAR for the Communist Liberation // Communist Liberation youth // Greece
Parti Ouvrier Independent // France
Partido Obrero Socialista Internacionalista // Spain
The Mediterranean will not become a sea of death! Against Fortress Europe!
A year has passed since the massacre of refugees at the fence in Melilla and the recent shipwrecks in Pylos and the Canary Islands fill us with anger again. We are shocked but also outraged by the new crimes of the European Union, the Greek and Spanish authorities against refugees and immigrants from Africa and Asia. A year ago, dozens of activists signed a petition condemning the politics of racism and Fortress Europe while demonstrating against the NATO summit in Madrid. The deadly shipwrecks in the Mediterranean and the Canary islands shows the whole world that the policy that begins with imperialist interventions, the exploitation of the peoples of Africa and Asia by the European and U.S capital and the powerful states of the world ends with the murders and drowning of the poor and desperate people at European land and sea borders.
It is a murderous and exploitative policy that dates back many centuries ago but is being carried out nowadays by the modern capitalist states which pretend to be the guardians of humanism and democracy. The dominance of the powerful states of Europe and the rest of the world is based on the appropriation of the resources of the poor states of Africa and Asia. For oil, diamonds, precious metals and rare earths there are no borders. Borders do exist exclusively for the poor, the victims of capitalist exploitation and wars.
The anti-immigration policy of the European Union, the bilateral agreements of the E.U. with Turkey, Libya, Morocco which create prison camps for refugees, the policy of push-backs and building fences, in short the policy of “Fortress Europe” is responsible for thousands of drownings, deaths, rapes and tortures every year. This is a murderous policy. The workers, the young people, the great social majority of the European peoples must fight against murderous capitalism, the criminal and racist European Union and the respective governments of the member states and of those states that cooperate in the implementation of these policies.
We stand in solidarity with refugees and immigrants. We demand open borders and free movement for refugees and the poor, for the working class. Down with the Common European Asylum Policy. We demand asylum and papers for all refugees!
Let’s fight for an end to capitalist wars and interventions by the powerful states
Let the Mediterranean become a sea of friendship and solidarity. The people living in the Mediterranean basin have nothing to separate.
Down with the fences in Melilla, Ceuta and Evros river!
Let’s fight for the common interests of the working class and the oppressed. Joint struggles of locals – refugees/immigrants! Solidarity is our weapon!
Στην κοινή διακήρυξη με το Μέτωπο Εργατικών Οργανώσεων (Γερμανία) τονίζεται ο ρόλος της ΕΕ και των πολιτικών της. Αναδεικνύεται ακόμα το θέμα της παρουσίας εκατοντάδων χιλιάδων Ελλήνων μεταναστών τα τελευταια χρόνια στην Γερμανία και στις χώρες της Ευρώπης. Ο ρόλος προσφύγων και μεταναστών στο εργατικό και λαϊκό κίνημα κάθε χώρας είναι κρίσιμος παράγοντας και μπορεί να έχει πρωταγωνιστικό ρόλο στην ταξική πάλη και την προώθηση ενός νέου επαναστατικού, κομμουνιστικού ρεύματος.
Joint Declaration on the mass murder of refugees in the Mediterranean Sea
NAR for the Communist Liberation // Communist Liberation youth // Greece
Föderation Klassenkämpferischer Organisationen // Germany
Against “Fortress-Europe”
We are shocked but also outraged by the new crime of the European Union, Frontex and the Greek authorities against refugees and immigrants from Africa and Asia. One of the deadliest shipwrecks in the Mediterranean shows the whole world that the policy that begins with imperialist interventions, the exploitation of the peoples of Africa and Asia by the European and U.S capital and the powerful states of the world ends with the murders and drowning of the poor and desperate people at European land and sea borders.
It is a murderous and exploitative policy that dates back many centuries ago but is being carried out nowadays by the modern capitalist states which pretend to be the guardians of humanism and democracy. The dominance of the powerful states of Europe and the rest of the world is based on the appropriation of the resources of the poor states of Africa and Asia. For oil, diamonds, precious metals and rare earths there are no borders. Borders do exist exclusively for the poor, the victims of capitalist exploitation and wars.
The anti-immigration policy of the European Union, the bilateral agreements of the E.U. with Turkey, Libya, Morocco which create prison camps for refugees, the policy of push-backs and building fences, in short the policy of “Fortress Europe” is responsible for thousands of drownings, deaths, rapes and tortures every year. This is a murderous policy.
The workers, the young people, the great social majority of the European peoples must fight against murderous capitalism, the criminal and racist European Union and the respective governments of the member states and of those states that cooperate in the implementation of these policies. In the previous decade, many Greeks, driven by unemployment or poverty, were forced, once again, to take the path of immigration to Germany and other EU countries. Around half a million people (mostly young men and women) have left the country to work abroad. Migrant workers, as refugees too, are part of the modern working class of the country where they work and can potentially be pioneers of its struggles. With their experiences, they can contribute to the internationalist interconnection effort with the labor movement and have a decisive role in the unity of the workers of all countries.
We stand in solidarity with refugees and immigrants. We demand open borders and free movement for refugees and the poor, for the working class. Down with the Common European Asylum Policy. We demand asylum and papers for all refugees!
It is time to fight together against our common enemy in Greece, Germany, Europe.
Let’s fight for an end to capitalist wars and interventions by the powerful states. Let us fight for the common interests of the working class and the oppressed. Joint struggles of locals – refugees/immigrants! Solidarity is our weapon!